Autumn's Harvest is a film which focuses on the confluence of three factors; an historically invisible and legally subjugated migrant worker population; a shift from a predominantly American southern Black migrant population to a non-U.S. socially, culturally, and linguistically isolated workforce; and a virus, HIV/AIDS, that is relentlessly infecting and killing the working poor. Autumn's Harvest is told through the experience of an African American second generation migrant worker living with AIDS. From his life experience we will come to understand the current state of migrant health. We will see the impact HIV has on migrant workers. We will learn how HIV/AIDS may impact an industry that relies on their labor; what it means for the average American; and the impending disaster best described by Velma Smith, Director of New York's Rural Opportunities:'American farm workers longevity of life is less than any other group; add HIV to that and I think you have already killed them.'Douglas's story is inter-cut with historical footage to tell the story of the longstanding neglect of the American migrant population and how AIDS found a permanent home with America working poor.